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Jesus preached, the people pondered words
Jesus preached, the people pondered words
by Andrew Pratt
Jesus preached, the people pondered words to challenge and convict; they would rather hold to power, these were facts to contradict. Faced with truth we need to grasp the honesty of what is said, all too often we resist the things we hear or what is read. Continues... Tune: ALL F
LWPT Meditations - Ascension Day - Year A
LWPT Meditations - Ascension Day - Year A
by Susan Thorne
Meditation – Ascension Day Acts 1:1-11 Psalm 93 Ephesians 1:15-23 give you the spirit Luke 24:44-53 Luke tells us twice about the Ascension, when Jesus returned to heaven to be with the Father. In his gospel, the Ascension account rounds off the entire story of Jesus’ earthly lif
HYMN - God we lose our moral compass
HYMN - God we lose our moral compass
by Andrew Pratt
God, we lose our moral compass, stagger blindly, miss the mark, wander deep in self-deception, finding life is cold and stark; in our darkness, in our hunger, in the shadows bring your spark. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: MANNHEIM Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 12/2/2010 Stainer &
Hymn: We are the ones! The mirror gives the proof
Hymn: We are the ones! The mirror gives the proof
by Andrew Pratt
We are the ones! The mirror gives the proof, each one of us has need to face the truth. To say we do not sin obscures the fact, and now in honest prayer we need to act. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: QUEDLINBURG; TRISAGION Metre: Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 11/7/2012
Acts for Everyone part 1 - Peter Goes to Cornelius
Acts for Everyone part 1 - Peter Goes to Cornelius
by SPCK - N T Wright
Peter Goes to Cornelius Acts 10.17-33 ‘Four days ago’, he said, ‘I was praying in my house at around this time, about three o’clock, and suddenly a man stood beside me in shining clothes. 31“Cornelius,” he said, “your prayer has been heard, and your almsgiving has been remembered
Early Christian Letters for Everyone - Suffering for Doing Right
Early Christian Letters for Everyone - Suffering for Doing Right
by SPCK - N T Wright
Suffering for Doing Right 1 Peter 3.17-22 The older I get, the more I dislike things which need to be put together, after you buy them, by following complicated instructions and diagrams. Part of my dislike is my sense that I will probably get it wrong, force something where it w
Lent for Everyone Year A - Saturday: Week 3 in Lent Year A
Lent for Everyone Year A - Saturday: Week 3 in Lent Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
WEEK 3: SATURDAY Matthew 18; focused on 18.21–35 There are at least three levels at which we should read this sharp and startling story. And at least three levels at which we should apply it to our lives, not least our lives in church. Start, though, with Peter’s question. It see
The Act of Prayer Year B - Day of Pentecost - Year B
The Act of Prayer Year B - Day of Pentecost - Year B
by BRF - John Birch
Day of Pentecost Year B The Act of Prayer Praying through the lectionary ACTS 2:1–21 Romans 8: 22-27 PSALM 104: 24-34, 35b JOHN 15: 26-27, 16: 4b-15; Opening prayer Loving Father, be the focus of our lives as we meet together in your name. Precious Jesus, be the cornerstone on wh
Lectionary Reflection Year C - Proper 3 Year C
Lectionary Reflection Year C - Proper 3 Year C
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Proper 3 Genesis 45.3–11, 15 1 Corinthians 15.35–8 Luke 6.27–38 These verses in Luke mark a shift in tone from the preceding verses. The ‘blessings and woes’ section that comes immediately before this passage is about what is ‘now’, it is about results. But now Jesus moves from t
Poem: Passion can distort our judgment
Poem: Passion can distort our judgment
by Andrew Pratt
Passion can distort our judgment, twisting love, distorting fate. Is this Adam's sin returning as endearments turn to hate? In the cold light of the morning, looking back on what we've done, even at the new day's dawning, feeling chill in morning sun. Continues... Also available
When we fail temptation's testing
When we fail temptation's testing
by Andrew Pratt
When we fail temptation's testing, find our conscience sleeping, resting, hear your people's true confession, bring your grace to make us whole. Give us time for reparation, through your mercy, re-creation, yet when time prevents forgiving may your grace still make us whole. Vers
Times and Seasons - Will this man bind up the broken
Times and Seasons - Will this man bind up the broken
by Andrew Pratt
Will this man bind up the broken, tend the fallen, lift the frail; man of miracle and wonder, man whose faith will never fail? See him waiting by the water, one of many in the throng, moving pushing, conversation, crowds who share a sense of wrong. Verses 3-5 follow Tune: STUTTGA
Rhythms of remembering - Wednesday Midday Prayer
Rhythms of remembering - Wednesday Midday Prayer
by SPCK - Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild
Midday and Night Prayer for all seasons Wednesday Midday Prayer Open my lips, O Lord: and my mouth shall declare your praise. You, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the face of God to prepare the way,..
Responsive prayer: God of wisdom
Responsive prayer: God of wisdom
by Marjorie Dobson
Responsive prayer: God of wisdom God of wisdom, we come again to ask you to forgive us for the foolishness of some of our actions. When we act with the arrogant assurance that what we do and say is always right. God, forgive us When we make harsh judgements of the behaviour of ot
Mark The People's Commentary - ‘BLASPHEMY against the HOLY SPIRIT’
Mark The People's Commentary - ‘BLASPHEMY against the HOLY SPIRIT’
by BRF - Dick France
‘BLASPHEMY against the HOLY SPIRIT’ For Satan or against him? In verses 23–27 Jesus offers what might be called a ‘common-sense’ reply. The scribes’ accusation does not make sense. Why should Satan want Jesus to drive out his own demonic forces. That would be to divide and weaken
Still Caring - Finding your peace