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HYMN - Our God will never lose the love
HYMN - Our God will never lose the love
by Andrew Pratt
HYMN - Our God will never lose the love – Theme covers: Easter, resurrection, Lazarus, Jairus’ daughter, bereavement, Romans 8, Psalms 121 TUNE: ALSTONE Also available in PowerPoint Format - Click Here Extract: Our God will never lose the love, the sense of human need and pain. O…
What happened to the covenant
What happened to the covenant
by Andrew Pratt
What happened to the covenant, the rainbow in the sky, that signed an end to flood and storm? Still people stand and cry. The floods still come, the waters rage, while homes are swept away, the covenant, of which God spoke, seems of another day. Verses 3-5 follow © Andrew Pratt…
Lights for the World
Lights for the World
by Dave Hopwood
Feet of Clay and the Breath of God Bible Ref: Isaiah 42; Matthew 5-8 & 10; Mark 3; Luke 6 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrato…
Nothing Too Religious - Prayer:Time flies
Nothing Too Religious - Prayer:Time flies
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Time flies. Time flies. The years slip away. Spring soon turns to winter and the days become shorter in the passing. Never-ageing God, when we begin to count the years it seems impossible that so many have passed. How did they slip by so quickly? Is the birth certificate …
Poem/Prayer: God’s children
Poem/Prayer: God’s children
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem/Prayer: God’s children We are God’s children, led by the Spirit, knowing that we can come to a loving parent with total confidence that we are offered love and care. We are not slaves, held in chains by a cruel owner, but allowed to fly free, guided only by the principles an…
In Christ we have an inheritance
In Christ we have an inheritance
by Marjorie Dobson
All-age, children’s section: In Christ we have an inheritance Beg, borrow, or use a Russian doll – those rounded wooden shaped ones that look like one doll, but have several decreasing sizes of similar dolls inside. The one I used had five, the smallest being about 1½/2 inches hi…
Prayer: Facing contempt
Prayer: Facing contempt
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Facing contempt Dear God, it is so difficult to deal with the contemptuous attitude that some people have towards our faith and our work for you. It’s as if they have a mind-set that blinds itself to any good that we do and only focuses on imagined practices that we do no…
Prayer: God who calls us to pray
Prayer: God who calls us to pray
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: God who calls us to pray God who calls us to pray and work for others, we recognize that there are so many different ways in which we can fulfil that calling. We also know that there are so many people who need help and need prayer. The demands are constant. The needs are…
Hymn: We trust in one we name as God
Hymn: We trust in one we name as God
by Andrew Pratt
We trust in one we name as God, above all else we see; the ground of being, God of love, will hold and set us free. And all our worship, praise and prayer, can't magnify the grace that God is pouring all the while on us, within this place. Verse 3 follows Tune: BELMONT Metre: CM …
Beneath the shadow of her wings
Beneath the shadow of her wings
by Andrew Pratt
Beneath the shadow of her wings the eagle covers up her young, and soon, once egg caged, chicks will fly, by winds and thermals lifted, flung. Verse 2 follows Metre: LM Tune: BRESLAU Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 6/9/2013 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England,…
Poem - We read of cultures from the past
Poem - We read of cultures from the past
by Andrew Pratt
We read of cultures from the past where slaves were normal, commonplace. Today we look with different eyes, to keep a slave would bring disgrace. Yet people still are caught and sold, removed from family and friends, then bought, mistreated and abused. For them life’s horror neve…
The fawn that finds the cooling stream
The fawn that finds the cooling stream
by Andrew Pratt
The fawn that finds the cooling stream is like a soul, at rest, at peace. And when we know eternal love, we feel at one, we know release. Within the compass of love's care, safe held in grace, no fear is there. Verse 2 follows Tune: ABINGDON Metre: 88.88.88 Andrew Pratt (born 1…
Way out beyond the stone clad walls
Way out beyond the stone clad walls
by Andrew Pratt
Way out beyond the stone clad walls where hills are steep and ravens fed, the quad-bike riding shepherd looks for sheep, distressed or lost or dead. Ten times a hundred fill the fold, but every shepherd holds a place where beasts are safe, are kept and held, are held by duty, lov…
Rhythms of remembering - Lent - Wednesday Morning Prayer