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Down Bethlem Road
Down Bethlem Road
by David A. Campton
Down Bethlem Road A Christmas Song to the tune of Raglan Road Down Bethl’em road from Nazareth, Came Joseph and his wife Within her womb God’s promise bloomed His Word, the Light of Life. He came to take on flesh and blood To show us all the way And through the night a star so br
A mirage, nothing more
A mirage, nothing more
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: A mirage, nothing more Proper 17 Year A Jeremiah 15: 15 – 21 A mirage, nothing more, that’s how God often seems, for even though we keep the faith, is God a God of dreams? We pray by night and day, but answers seem remote, and then detractors laugh at us, make fun of us and
A day of anointing, miraculous passage
A day of anointing, miraculous passage
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: A day of anointing, miraculous passage Proper 26 Year A Joshua 3:7-17 A day of anointing, miraculous passage, the Jordan held back as they passed on dry land. The Ark at the centre, the focus of Godhead, the people marched forward to conquer and stand. That's how they recor
A little child shall lead the nations
A little child shall lead the nations
by Andrew Pratt
A little child shall lead the nations, the light of hope came in that hour, the grace of God, a present promise, had dawned with light and love and power. Verse 2 follows Tune: ST CLEMENT Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 19/1/2014 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England, www.stainer.
A topsy, turvy, upturned world
A topsy, turvy, upturned world
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: A topsy, turvy, upturned world Proper 20 Year A Matthew 20:1-16 A topsy, turvy, upturned world, where values are distorted, the first is last and last is first with everything contorted. The rich are begging at the door while ones they were despising are given charge of God
Constant God we offer praises
Constant God we offer praises
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Constant God we offer praises Proper 12 year A Psalm 105: 1 – 11, 45b Constant God we offer praises, God of history, God of might, God of every generation, God of covenant and light. God of miracle and wonder, God of ages, yet the same... Tune: SUSSEX 24 July 2011, Sixth Su
Compassion moved a carpenter
Compassion moved a carpenter
by Andrew Pratt
Compassion moved a carpenter to break convention’s rules, where gentleness was labelled 'weak' and love was just for fools. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: FINGAL Metre: CM Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 30/6/2013 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England, Please includ
Foretaste of Friday
Foretaste of Friday
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Foretaste of Friday Proper 17 Year A Matthew 16: 21 – 28 Foretaste of Friday, shadow of judgement, Peter resisting God's fateful end. Jesus deciding where he is riding, cross casting shadows, life's journey's end. This was God's purpose, never resisting, meeting our hatred
From many different continents
From many different continents
by Andrew Pratt
From many different continents, at one in heart and mind, an infinite variety, drawn from all humankind. We worship in each native tongue. The rhythms of our song, reflect the context where we live, and yet we all belong. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: CONTEMPLATION (Ouseley) Metre: CM
Beware of what you think or say
Beware of what you think or say
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Beware of what you think or say Proper 15 year A Matthew 15: 21-28 Beware of what you think or say, our actions give the lie, or offer evidence of faith for which we sing, or cry. When challenged by a foreigner, a woman in her need, see Jesus shamed to change and act, her c
God’s grace extends beyond our comprehension