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Lectionary Reflection Year C - The Epiphany Year C
Lectionary Reflection Year C - The Epiphany Year C
by SPCK - Jane Williams
The Epiphany Isaiah 60.1–6 Ephesians 3.1–12 Matthew 2.1–12 The wise men have always had enormous appeal. Everything about them has been elaborated in poetry and story. They have become kings; they have been depicted as representing youth, maturity and old age; they have been give
Willows hung with harps are weeping
Willows hung with harps are weeping
by Andrew Pratt
Willows hung with harps are weeping like the sorrow of our song, deep reflection of the mourning for the hurt of human wrong. Hurt which seems to have no ending, still rings on from age to age, still our human hearts are bleeding, still our grief takes centre stage. Verses 3-4 fo
God's light
God's light
by Joy Sykes
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in
Body - Chapter 5 - The life giving Spirit (part 2)
Body - Chapter 5 - The life giving Spirit (part 2)
by SPCK - Paula Gooder
The life giving Spirit (part 2) The difference between psuch? and pneuma As we saw above, in the Old Testament there is a considerable overlap between nephesh and rua.: both brought life to the body; both came from God; both could be described, in differing ways, as being the lif
Christ is the Word, with God from the beginning
Christ is the Word, with God from the beginning
by Avis Palmer
Christ is the Word, with God from the beginning, Creative force through whom all things are made, In him is life abundantly proceeding, At darkest times the light of God displayed. O Word made flesh, your dwelling is among us, Children of God, redeemed and blessed have been. Gift
Come now and follow me
Come now and follow me
by Avis Palmer
Come now and follow me, To us Christ's words are spoken. He calls each one by name; By Love our hearts are woken. We're asked to walk with faith A path we cannot tell; And well shall all things be, And all things shall be well. Verses 2-3 follow © Avis Palmer Tune Nun danket (H&P
Traces of Glory Year B - Easter Day - Year B
Traces of Glory Year B - Easter Day - Year B
by SPCK - David Adam
Easter Day Blessed be the risen Lord; He has broken from the tomb and opens for us the gate to life eternal. Blessed be the risen Lord; He comes to his disciples, where two or three gather together he is there. Blessed be the risen Lord; He comes from the dead with life, He bring
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - Proper 15 Year B