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Early Christian Letters for Everyone - God's New Commandment
Early Christian Letters for Everyone - God's New Commandment
by SPCK - N T Wright
God’s New Commandment 1 John 2. 3-14 Sometimes when we sing hymns, the hymns tell a story. They move from one idea to another, in a linear fashion. There is something satisfying about this. We all like stories, and even when the ‘story’ is a sequence of ideas, it makes sense to u
The Pastoral Letters - Grace, Hope and Holiness
The Pastoral Letters - Grace, Hope and Holiness
by SPCK - N T Wright
Grace, Hope and Holiness Titus 2.10-15 Soon after the Russian revolution, a group of journalists and social commentators paid a visit to the newly formed Soviet Union to see how the revolutionaries were getting on in establishing a new type of society. They were shown the model c
Luke for Everyone - Judging Others and True Obedience
Luke for Everyone - Judging Others and True Obedience
by SPCK - N T Wright
Judging Others and True Obedience Luke 6.39-49 One picture is worth a thousand words. Here, in quick succession, are four of Jesus’ most vivid word-sketches. They are meant to be funny. Try reading them like that, and you’ll see a dry, perhaps typically Jewish, humour coming thro
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Light and Darkness
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Light and Darkness
by SPCK - N T Wright
Light and Darkness Ephesians 5.11-20 When I was studying for my undergraduate degree, which was in Classics, I had an idea for a special project. Keen as I was on music, I wanted to find out what sort of music people played and sang in the first century. I became quite excited ab
John for Everyone part 2 - My Peace I Give to You
John for Everyone part 2 - My Peace I Give to You
by SPCK - N T Wright
My Peace I Give to You John 14.22-31 ‘I’m going to tell the whole world about it!’ She had just got engaged. This was the moment she’d dreamed about. The happiest day of her life. She wanted everyone to know. But what did she mean by ‘the world’? We found out quite quickly. It me
Revelation for Everyone - New Heaven. New Earth
Revelation for Everyone - New Heaven. New Earth
by SPCK - N T Wright
New Heaven, New Earth Revelation 21.1-5 When has there been a moment in your life when you have said to yourself, ‘This is new’? I don’t just mean a car with a few new gadgets, or a meal with a different combination of sauces and seasonings – though these, too, may point in the r
John for Everyone Part 1 - Moses and the Messiah
John for Everyone Part 1 - Moses and the Messiah
by SPCK - N T Wright
Moses and the Messiah John 7.19-30 My friend was walking with his son through a park in a Canadian city. It was a lovely summer day. The son had recently taken up golf, and was itching to practise some shots with a club he’d brought with him. ‘You can’t do that,’ said my friend.
The Pastoral Letters - Pay Attention to Yourself and Your Teaching
The Pastoral Letters - Pay Attention to Yourself and Your Teaching
by SPCK - N T Wright
Pay Attention to Yourself and Your Teaching 1Timothy 4.11-16 I listened as the great scientist brought his lecture to its climax. He had ranged across the universe, explored tiny life forms on the one hand and vast tracts of intergalactic space on the other. He had spoken of the
Paul for Everyone 1 Corinthians - Resurrection Gives Meaning to Present Christian Life
Paul for Everyone 1 Corinthians - Resurrection Gives Meaning to Present Christian Life
by SPCK - N T Wright
Resurrection Gives Meaning to Present Christian Living 1 Corinthians 15.29-34 We stood in the great Coliseum in Rome, and stared at the chambers and passages underneath where the floor would have been. ‘This is where they kept the wild animals,’ our guide said. ‘They used ropes a
The Pastoral Letters - The Battle of Faith
The Pastoral Letters - The Battle of Faith
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Battle of Faith 1Timothy 1.18-20 In the days before ships could navigate by satellite, the compass was the most crucial item on board. Whether it was sunny or snowing, whether it was day or night, whether the ship was on course or off course, the compass was the vital sign th
Paul for Everyone Romans part 1 - The Double "Law" and the Miserable "I"
Paul for Everyone Romans part 1 - The Double "Law" and the Miserable "I"
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Double “Law” and the Miserable “I” ROMANS 7.21-25 When you do a complicated mathematical sum, you end up by drawing a line across the page and displaying the result, or, if you like, your ‘findings’. The same thing happens after a lengthy judicial review of some complex quest
John for Everyone part 2 - The Hour Has Come
John for Everyone part 2 - The Hour Has Come
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Hour Has Come John 12.27-36 As I was walking into my study to begin working on this passage, I was alarmed to hear three loud explosions from the other side of the street. We live close to some important national buildings, and there is always a danger that terrorists will so
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - The Law and the Cross
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - The Law and the Cross
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Law and the Cross Colossians 2.13-19 The crowd was already angry, and it got angrier as we watched. They had come together to protest about the shooting down of a Korean jumbo jet over the southwest Pacific. Most of them had lost relatives or friends in the disaster. And, whe
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - The Messianic Challenge
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - The Messianic Challenge
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Messianic Challenge Acts 13.26-43 At the time I am writing this there is a massive global debate taking place. Led by senior figures in science and government, people everywhere are asking whether the world and its atmosphere are really warming up at the alarming rate that th
Luke for Everyone - THe Raising of the Widow's Son
Luke for Everyone - THe Raising of the Widow's Son
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Raising of the Widow’s Son Luke 7.11-17 So where was the faith this time? The centurion’s servant was healed because of his owner’s faith, but in this story the only person who has any faith that the dead man can be raised is Jesus himself. Though Jesus loves to see the signs
Early Christian Letters for Everyone - The True God
Early Christian Letters for Everyone - The True God
by SPCK - N T Wright
The True God 1 John 5.13-21 Sometimes a short story will play a trick on its readers. Sometimes the author has told the story cleverly so as to lead us in one direction throughout the narrative, and then, with the last sentence, will reveal something which changes everything. Thi
John for Everyone Part 1 - The Woman of Samaria
John for Everyone Part 1 - The Woman of Samaria
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Woman of Samaria John 4.1-15 ‘Have you heard about Simon?’ a friend asked me. ‘He’s become a Samaritan!’ I knew what he meant. I did not think for a minute that our mutual friend had gone off to the Middle East to join the tiny sect who still live in the middle of ancient Sam
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Wisdom for the Rulers