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Advent Liturgy
Advent Liturgy
by Jane Bingham
Liturgy to accompany the lighting of the advent ring based on Hope, Peace, Joy & Love Advent liturgy - Hope Peace Joy Love Sunday 1 – Hope Today we light a candle of Hope. Not just the kind of hope based in a dream-world but the real Christian hope based on the knowledge of God’s…
Advent Liturgy - The Prophets
Advent Liturgy - The Prophets
by John Birch
Advent liturgy of prayers on the theme of The Prophets. ... Your prophets, called to make known your Word Proclaiming justice, convicting sin, Displaying fruits of your love and grace. Comfort, comfort my people, says our God, And the glory of the Lord will be revealed ..........…
Sacrifice - A Liturgy
Sacrifice - A Liturgy
by John Birch
"Thank you, loving Father that you are with us in our joys and our sorrows, the peaks and troughs of our lives, because you understand our human nature. You know our hearts, feel our pain, know our anguish and enfold us with your love that we might know daily your forgiveness and…
Revelation - A liturgy
Revelation - A liturgy
by John Birch
"Into your presence we come Father Son and Holy Spirit , Glorious Trinity. We are here to listen to your word as it is revealed to us and then to act upon it in our daily lives......" A prayerful liturgy for church or small group use on the theme of 'Revelation' - on one side A4 …
Tesimony - A Liturgy
Tesimony - A Liturgy
by John Birch
"Father God, when we consider our lives and the compare them to the depth of your love shown to the whole of mankind, we stand in awe. We have this Good News to proclaim not just within the walls of this building but in the world outside..." A prayerful liturgy for church or smal…
Wholeness - A liturgy
Wholeness - A liturgy
by John Birch
"It is good to be here, Lord; good to be in fellowship with each other; good to know the presence of your Spirit in this place; good to know that you are here with us, listening, prompting, touching lives, healing, renewing, making us whole......" A prayerful liturgy for church o…
Worship - A Liturgy
Worship - A Liturgy
by John Birch
"You are worthy indeed Lord to receive not just the worship and praise of our lips, but also of our hearts and souls. You created all things for a purpose, and we are part of your purpose in this place and at this moment in time....." A prayerful liturgy for church or small group…
Creation - A Liturgy
Creation - A Liturgy
by John Birch
"God of storm and rain cloud of wind and biting cold of hail, thunder and flood. In darker days, loud and fearful days we see something of your awesome power and recognise our own weakness our own inability to control the elements. ..." A prayerful liturgy for church or small gro…
Body - A Liturgy
Body - A Liturgy
by John Birch
"We meet today Lord as your saints have met throughout the ages, wanting to offer you our sacrifice of praise and worship, wanting to grow together as the Body of Christ in this place, wanting to be here more than anywhere else....." A prayerful liturgy based upon the theme of 'B…
Family - A Liturgy
Family - A Liturgy
by John Birch
"As your family we gather here today Not because we have to, but because we want to. We are here to offer you our worship, our prayers and our lives in service to you and to our neighbour....." A prayerful liturgy for church or small group based upon a them of 'family' - on one s…
Healing - A Liturgy