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Great Christian Thinkers - 52 William of Saint-Thierry
Great Christian Thinkers - 52 William of Saint-Thierry
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
William of Saint-Thierry The biographer of Bernard of Clairveaux, and a friend who esteemed him, was William of Saint-Thierry, on whom I reflect in this chapter… Taken from Great Christian Thinkers by Pope Benedict XVI
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - The Sixth Sunday of Easter Year B
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - The Sixth Sunday of Easter Year B
by SPCK - Jane Williams
The Sixth Sunday of Easter Acts 10.44-48 1John 5.1-6 John 15.9-17 The desire for certainty goes very deep, and all of today’s readings look at that longing with sympathy, though the answers they give are as challenging as they are reassuring. In the Gospel, Jesus is at last givin…
Letters by a MODERN MYSTIC - The letters 12 October 1930
Letters by a MODERN MYSTIC - The letters 12 October 1930
by SPCK - Frank C Laubach
The Letters 12 OCTOBER 1930 How I wish, wish, wish that a dozen or more persons who are trying the experiment of holding God endlessly in mind would all write their experiences so that each would know what the other was finding as a result! The results, I think, would astound the…
The Lord now lives
The Lord now lives
by Michael Docker
The Lord now lives; the world has turned The Lord now lives; the world has turned: Life that had ended now revives. The Lord now lives, and we are turned From sighs of grief to sing, 'He lives!'; From fearful nights, from angry days, From clouded minds and wayward wills To richer…
Lectionary Reflection Year C - The Third Sunday Before Advent Year C
Lectionary Reflection Year C - The Third Sunday Before Advent Year C
by SPCK - Jane Williams
The Third Sunday Before Advent Job 19.23–7a 2 Thessalonians 2.1–5, 13–17 Luke 20.27–38 The book of Job has always inspired strong feelings – hardly surprising, as its themes are suffering and justice. At the heart of the many paradoxes that belief in the God of the Bible presents…
Within a world of many gods
Within a world of many gods
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Within a world of many gods Proper 11 year A Isaiah 44:6-8 Within a world of many gods that called for their attention, the people said the God of love was theirs beyond contention. Within a world where wealth or power tempt us to selfish living... Tune: ST COLUMBA (IRISH) …
glimpses of glory - Second Sunday of Christmas - Year C
glimpses of glory - Second Sunday of Christmas - Year C
by SPCK - David Adam
The Second Sunday of Christmas Eternal light, scatter the darkness from our hearts and minds; enlighten our lives with your glory, and give us the power and wisdom to live as sons and daughters of God; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, O Father, and…
Your word is truth