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The Pastoral Letters - The Mystery of Godliness
The Pastoral Letters - The Mystery of Godliness
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Mystery of Godliness 1Timothy 3.14-16 The senior officer investigating the case consulted his colleagues once more, and then went out to speak to the waiting press. ‘I’m sorry to say’, he said, ‘that the incident remains a complete mystery. There is no explanation for what ha…
Paul for Everyone 1 Corinthians - The Gospel of the Messiah
Paul for Everyone 1 Corinthians - The Gospel of the Messiah
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Gospel of the Messiah 1 Corinthians 15.1-11 The old man made me a cup of tea, and took me through to his sitting room. ‘Now you must see this,’ he said, passing me a much-handled photograph album. ‘This tells you how we came here.’ The pictures told their own story. The happy…
Lectionary Reflections Year A - The Fifth Sunday of Lent Year A
Lectionary Reflections Year A - The Fifth Sunday of Lent Year A
by SPCK - Jane Williams
The Fifth Sunday of Lent - Year A Ezekiel 37.1–14 Romans 8.6–11 John 11.1–45 There is a story that St Francis once got up to preach, looked down at the hushed, expectant faces below him and said, ‘God has not given me anything to say to you.’ And with that, he blessed the people,…
2 Corinthians - Death and Glory
2 Corinthians - Death and Glory
by SPCK - N T Wright
Death and Glory 2 CORINTHIANS 3.7-11 The two teenagers were slumped in armchairs. Both of them had their headphones plugged into personal stereos, and had the faraway look of people being carried along by hidden sounds. One of them nodded her head gently in time with the beat. Th…
Paul for Everyone 1 Corinthians - God's Strange Wisdom
Paul for Everyone 1 Corinthians - God's Strange Wisdom
by SPCK - N T Wright
God’s Strange Wisdom 1 Corinthians 2.6-13 When my sister celebrated her 21st birthday, she and I were at university, a long way from home. So a cousin of my father’s, who lived nearby, invited the two of us to dinner to celebrate. He and his wife had no children of their own, and…
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Paul Before the Sanhedrin
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Paul Before the Sanhedrin
by SPCK - N T Wright
Paul Before the Sanhedrin Acts 23.1-11 Ever since the French Revolution, politics has been seen in terms of a left–right spectrum. The further Left you go (it is assumed), the more you will favour freedom from constricting and aristocratic authority, loose structures, plenty of v…
John for Everyone Part 1 - Seeing and Not Seeing
John for Everyone Part 1 - Seeing and Not Seeing
by SPCK - N T Wright
Seeing and Not Seeing John 9.35-41 Who decides when the picture is in focus? I attended a lecture the other night in which the speaker showed us some wonderful colour slides of medieval paintings of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. The colour was magnificent; the interpretati…
Paul for Everyone Romans part 2 - United Praise under the Messiah's Universal Role
Paul for Everyone Romans part 2 - United Praise under the Messiah's Universal Role
by SPCK - N T Wright
United Praise under the Messiah’s Universal Rule ROMANS 15.7-13 The great Finnish composer Jean Sibelius brought the art of writing symphonies to a new glory. His first six were each splendid in their own way, developing the form which previous composers had used and flooding it …
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Watch Out for Yourselves, the Flock and the Wolves
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Watch Out for Yourselves, the Flock and the Wolves
by SPCK - N T Wright
Watch Out for Yourselves, the Flock and the Wolves Acts 20.28-38 ‘I received an email this morning from a man I have never met. He has been studying a particular subject, and has come upon an article I wrote 25 years ago. In it, I quote a line from the scholar I was discussing (E…
Rhythms of remembering - Ordinary Time - Saturday Morning Prayer
Rhythms of remembering - Ordinary Time - Saturday Morning Prayer
by SPCK - Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild
ORDINARY TIME - Saturday Morning Prayer Blessed are you, O God: you renew us with your goodness and loving-kindness. New every morning is the love Our wakening and uprising prove; Through sleep and darkness safely brought, Restored to life and power and thought...
Traces of Glory Year B - Proper 21 - Year B
Traces of Glory Year B - Proper 21 - Year B
by SPCK - David Adam
Proper 21 Lord our God, On the way of goodness, if we stumble lift us up; On the way of holiness, if we stay bring us back; On the way of kindness, if we toughen soften our hearts; That we may draw others to you and your saving power, By our words and our example; Though Jesus Ch…
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - Proper 14 Year B
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - Proper 14 Year B
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Proper 14 1 Kings 19-4-8 Ephesians 4. 25-5.2 John 6: 35, 41-51 On the grounds that there is no point in telling someone to do something if they are already doing it, the Ephesian community must be quite like a church you know well. It is interesting how much of this section is co…
John The People's Commentary - The Parting of the Ways
John The People's Commentary - The Parting of the Ways
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
The Parting of the Ways John 6: 56-71 JOHN This chapter’s setting has moved from up in the mountains for the feeding, across the storm-tossed lake to a crowd in Capernaum. The last part of this discourse at least has been Jesus’ teaching in the synagogue at Capernaum (6:59). The …
Fresh Thoughts for Sunday - Fresh Thoughts For Sunday Issue 75 02/08/15