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The Womens' Bible Commentary - Mary Magdalene and the Risen Jesus
The Womens' Bible Commentary - Mary Magdalene and the Risen Jesus
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Mary Magdalene and the Risen Jesus All four Gospels agree on one vital detail about Easter morning: in the early morning hours, when it was still dark, women went to Jesus’ tomb. The specifics of that early morning visit vary from Gospel to Gospel (how many women were at the tomb
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 12 The Empty Tomb
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 12 The Empty Tomb
by SPCK - Edward Adams
The Empty Tomb None of the four evangelists describes Jesus’ actual resurrection, but they all report the discovery of the empty tomb, and all except Mark recount appearances of the risen Jesus to his followers. The resurrection accounts of the four Gospels are notoriously diffic
Our Easter Hope (Living Flame)
Our Easter Hope (Living Flame)
by Norman J Goreham (1931-2021)
At Easter 2020 Queen Elizabeth II spoke to the Commonwealth from Windsor Castle in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic lockdown. In her speech she referred to "the living flame of our Easter hope". This hymn takes its inspiration from that speech and develops her theme further. He
Our Easter Hope (words only)
Our Easter Hope (words only)
by Norman J Goreham (1931-2021)
At Easter 2020, Queen Elizabeth II spoke to the Commonwealth from Windsor Castle in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic lockdown. In her speech she referred to “the living flame of our Easter hope”. This hymn takes its inspiration from that speech and develops her theme further.
Grief - the human touch
Grief - the human touch
by Joanna Bull
a sermon delivered in St Martin's church Bull ring Birmingham on march 8th 2008; the reading was the story of lazarus and jesus calling him out of the tomb. The poem Tomb dwellers also on here was developed from this two months later. Based on John 11:1-45 Lectionary: 5th in Len
Meditation - Easter Day Year C
Meditation - Easter Day Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – Easter Day Year C A glimmer of hope Luke 24: 1-12 I never imagined they would believe us, not for a minute. A handful of emotional, distraught women, mourning the loss of someone so dear. A harrowing weekend, two nights of lost sleep and a very early morning later, n
Poem: Mary Magdalene
Poem: Mary Magdalene
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Mary Magdalene My name is Mary, common enough in my time to need to be identified by place, or family. Mine is such a name. They call me the Magdalene. People call me other names. Some claim I was a prostitute, perhaps because the town whose name I bear is famous for that t
Poem: A strange new day
Poem: A strange new day
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: A strange new day This is the day when perfume remained unopened, spices were no longer needed, cloths and sponges were unused. This is the day when stone was no barrier, soldiers abandoned guard duty, grave clothes and tomb were empty. Continues... ©Marjorie Dobson
A Processional Eucharistic prayer for Easter Day
A Processional Eucharistic prayer for Easter Day
by Andrew Lunn
Three prayers are included: an offertory prayer; the anaphora (first part) of a communion thanksgiving prayer; a prayer for after communion. The thanksgiving is written to be used processionally, drawing together the table, the font, the place of preaching, and an empty tom
Empty tomb, the body stolen