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Jeremiah for everyone - The Misleading Scholars
Jeremiah for everyone - The Misleading Scholars
by SPCK - John Goldingay
The Misleading Scholars Yesterday a student asked me whether a particular book would be taken seriously by the wide majority of Old Testament scholars. The response I forgot to make was that whatever is the consensus of scholars today won’t be the consensus in a decade’s time…
Round the corner
Round the corner
by Christine Harbottle
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in
Turning Around
Turning Around
by Paul Glass
The first mate of a pirate ship decides he wants to turn his life around Turning Around - Matthew 5. 1-12 Captain: 3 degrees to starboard Mr. Kelly. Kelly: Aye, aye, Captain. Captain: Steady as she goes. Kelly: Aye, aye, Captain...(pause) Captain? Captain: Yes, Mr. Kelly? Kelly:
Poem: Turning back
Poem: Turning back
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Turning back If repentance comes too late to be able to say, ‘sorry,’ then the guilt lies heavy and forgiveness appears impossible. So when realisation points to the lesson that the wrong choice was made and acted upon, it would be wise to reverse the process, turn around a
John The People's Commentary - House Cleaning
John The People's Commentary - House Cleaning
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
House Cleaning Many signs in this gospel are followed by a debate to explain the sign’s purpose—as the story of the feeding of the five thousand leads into the discourse about Jesus as the Bread of Life (see on chapter 6 below). However, the first of Jesus’ signs, the changing of
Echoing the Word - Eucharistic Prayer H
Echoing the Word - Eucharistic Prayer H
by SPCK - Paula Gooder & Michael Perham
16 Eucharistic Prayer H Eucharistic Prayer H, when authorized in Common Worship, had no precedent in English Anglican provision. One would search in vain in every rite between 1549 and 1980 for anything like it. Its two most significant features are the part it assigns to the who
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - The Last Supper (or was it the first?) - 3
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - The Last Supper (or was it the first?) - 3
by SPCK - Tom Wright
3 The Last Supper (or was it the first?) Part One HOW IT ALL BEGAN No more disguises. You’re going to be a real person this time. The trick will still work, because no one at the meal knew what was going on. Except the host, of course. He had set the whole thing up – arranged it
Poem: Wealthy, or wise?
Poem: Wealthy, or wise?
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Wealthy, or wise? A wealthy man who wanted more than all the goods he had in store: a wealthy man whose healthy food could only make his life so good: a wealthy man, obeying laws, and yet his life-style gave him cause to seek an answer, most profound, on how eternal life is
When all is lost, there seems no turning back