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Poem: Older and wiser
Poem: Older and wiser
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Older and wiser A small child set to say a psalm, standing before proud parents, Sunday-best-dressed scholars, kind, caring teachers and a curious crowd of anniversary onlookers, rolls round the words, ‘Lift up your heads, O ye gates and be ye lifted up, you everlasting doo
Hymn: Unravelling the mysteries
Hymn: Unravelling the mysteries
by Marjorie Dobson
Unravelling the mysteries, ensuring signs made sense, meant telling simple stories based in the present tense. So Jesus shared with farmers how silently seed grows and how God’s coming kingdom holds secrets no one knows. But in our world, so different from what those people knew,
Poem: Why pray?
Poem: Why pray?
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Why pray? When life lets you down and people prove unreliable and everyday anxieties dominate and tensions are high – don’t worry yourself into depression. Pray. When money becomes a problem, the lack of it or the love of it, and work is arduous or unavailable, and the bill
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - Wisdom and Gratitude
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - Wisdom and Gratitude
by SPCK - N T Wright
PART 2 PRAYERS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT PRAYERS OF PAUL WISDOM AND GRATITUDE Colossians 1: 9-14 We watched, holding our breath, as the mother duck left the pond at the head of her brood. There were seven ducklings in all: four black ones and three yellow ones. They were lively and sq
Hymn: Star strewn garments clothe the heavens
Hymn: Star strewn garments clothe the heavens
by Andrew Pratt
Star strewn garments clothe the heavens, robes of beauty, source of awe; Spirit God transcending hist'ry, way beyond where pulsars soar. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: STUTTGART Metre: Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 24/9/2012 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England, www.staine
Hymn: Forgiveness is ridiculous
Hymn: Forgiveness is ridiculous
by Andrew Pratt
Forgiveness is ridiculous, unsettles justice, riddles faith, when love has a monopoly as evidence of given grace; It sets the cosmos spinning round, it turns our values upside down it makes our temples tumble down and every beggar wears a crown. Verse 3 follow Tune: ALFRETON; CAM
What a scandal, such forgiveness
What a scandal, such forgiveness
by Andrew Pratt
What a scandal, such forgiveness, no repentance, just a show, this anointing seems so wasteful, who is she? And does he know? All conventions disconnected, does he know how this will look? See that Pharisee, affronted, all this seems outside his book. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: BETH
Rhythms of remembering - Ordinary Time - Friday Evening Prayer
Rhythms of remembering - Ordinary Time - Friday Evening Prayer
by SPCK - Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild
ORDINARY TIME - Friday Evening Prayer Blessed are you, O God: your work is perfect. For your wonderful creation, we praise you, our Maker. For the labour of redemption, we thank you, Jesus our saviour...
Some voice! it splinters beams of cedar
Some voice! it splinters beams of cedar
by Andrew Pratt
Some voice! it splinters beams of cedar, it flashes out in flames of fire, it thunders over mighty waters, it makes the theme of praise run higher. The shaking earth moves with that thunder, the ground is rattled, rough and raw; this quaking land disturbs the ocean, destructive w
Straining human understanding
Straining human understanding
by Andrew Pratt
Straining human understanding, grace is greater than our flaws, love will reach beyond our folly, breach our hatred, counter wars. Some ignore the call to caring, selfish impulse drives them on, yet our human love in action could avert a greater wrong. Verses 3 follow Tune: MERTO
52 Reflections on Faith - Faith and Doubt: seeking understanding
52 Reflections on Faith - Faith and Doubt: seeking understanding
by BRF - Stephen W. Need
Faith and doubt: Seeking understanding: Richard Holloway’s autobiography Leaving Alexandria: A memoir of faith and doubt tells the story of the author’s life, from his birth and upbringing in Scotland, through his training for the priesthood at the Society of the Sacred Mission a
Four Gospels, One Jesus - The Teacher's vindication
Four Gospels, One Jesus - The Teacher's vindication
by SPCK - Richard A Burridge
The Teacher’s vindication The Resurrection, Matthew 28 This atmosphere of supernatural intervention openly visible to all continues into Matthew’s resurrection account, as does his desire to tie up the loose ends and explain the difficulties. While Mark ends with a characteristic
Remote and immense, far beyond comprehension
Remote and immense, far beyond comprehension
by Andrew Pratt
Remote and immense, far beyond comprehension, the heaven's a canvas, below it the earth spread out like a carpet of massive dimension, assurance of homing and place of our birth. And yet in our wonder we're blind to existence, we're deaf to the Word that brings wisdom and light,
Mere Apologetics - 3 The Theological Basis of Apologetics