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Paul for Everyone: Galatians and Thessalonians - Bearing One Another's Burdens
Paul for Everyone: Galatians and Thessalonians - Bearing One Another's Burdens
by SPCK - N T Wright
Bearing One Another’s Burdens Galatians 6.1-5 I was reading the autobiography of a world-famous cricketer. He described how for his first ten years in the game the team he played for never succeeded in winning a major trophy. They had star players, many of them of much better qua
God had gone up with a shout
God had gone up with a shout
by Andrew Pratt
God had gone up with a shout, sound the trumpets, humble humanity raised into light. Stunned by the after-shock, standing in wonder, orphaned disciples were thrust into night. Ours is their heritage born out of history, yet God transcends all the life that we know: grounding and
Hymn: A troubled soul, the Christ of God
Hymn: A troubled soul, the Christ of God
by Andrew Pratt
A troubled soul, the Christ of God, humanity exposed, with all the turmoil that we feel, when choices are proposed. The monumental choice he faced, the crisis must be met, to take the path of love to death, or turn away, forget. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: ELLACOMBE Metre: DCM Andr
God makes a mockery of death
God makes a mockery of death
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: God makes a mockery of death Sixth Sunday of Easter 1 Peter 3: 13 – 22 God makes a mockery of death, the Spirit is consistent, an Advocate will keep our part, in this Christ is insistent. We are not orphans, will not be beyond God's loving Spirit. And all that Christ has be
The Pastoral Letters - Continue in the Scriptures
The Pastoral Letters - Continue in the Scriptures
by SPCK - N T Wright
Continue in the Scriptures! 2Timothy 3.10-17 There was once an American professor who went for a year to Oxford as a visiting academic. When he and his wife arrived, they were looking round one of the older parts of the college of which he was to be a member. Amid what appeared t
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Grown-Up Christianity
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Grown-Up Christianity
by SPCK - N T Wright
Grown-Up Christianity Ephesians 4.11-16 ‘Don’t be a baby.’ The words were meant to hurt, and they did. But they had the desired effect. The schoolboy had been whimpering about somebody being mean to him. He was hoping that the teacher would come to his rescue. But he suddenly rea
What news is good? What words give hope?
What news is good? What words give hope?
by Andrew Pratt
What news is good? What words give hope? What sense of value do we feel when meeting with our God in Christ, what gives the sense, provides the seal? This seal of perfect love and faith, this hope of holiness and grace, the knowledge that our path is right, is given in our saviou
We seek the welfare of this place
We seek the welfare of this place
by Michael Docker
We seek the welfare of this place; Where people work and rest and play Looking to all that makes for peace In Christ the Truth, the Life, the Way. We trust that here God works his work Through all life's changing, growing scenes; Lighting a way through all that's dark - Lending C
Occasions for Alleluia - God is our lover
Occasions for Alleluia - God is our lover
by SPCK - David Adam
God is our lover Beloved, let us love one another; because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love. God’s love was revealed among us in this way: God sent his only Son into the world so that we mi
Hymn: Heirs of Christ and God's own children