Hymn: Once, like a mighty rushing wind
Acts 2: 1 – 21
Once, like a mighty rushing wind,
the Holy Spirit came.
From Pentecost, the world they knew
could never be the same.
The Christ that they had loved and known,
the one who hung and died,
was in their living, laughter, joy;
and in the tears they cried.
Christ spoke from deep within each heart,
words forged through human stress,
that spoke to need with words of hope,
within their human mess.
The riddled language that they used,
was suddenly made clear;
so people understood the key:
God’s love could end their fear.
Three thousand caught the urgency
that rang within the air,
that called them to a change of life:
to action then and there.
They shared possessions, ate with joy,
at one in prayer and heart,
and when we catch the Spirit’s fire
our pilgrimage will start.
Continues with Verse Four
Andrew Pratt (born 1948)
Words © 24/5/2011 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England, www.stainer.co.uk.
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