Follow the Christmas story through short story soundbites and snippits of background information which helps to bring the context of the story to life as we look at life in the times of Jesus' birth.
There's an opening discussion question to get the chat going, a short Bible study and some more searching questions to get folk talking around the issues raised each week. Also included are opening and closing prayers and leaders notes for the meeting.
The Christmas story is so familiar to us, and yet there are aspects which, because they have been ‘sugar-coated’ by tradition, are just a little misunderstood by modern generations. We rarely put the story into its historical and cultural context, and miss information which can help us in our re-telling of this eternal truth to a sceptical generation.
The author has pulled together material from both Matthew and Luke’s account of the birth narrative, added background information from contemporary sources and presented it in a ‘newspaper’ format of short reports and comment, accompanied by discussion questions and a possible short Bible study.
Study 1 The nation, prophets and a spiritual mix.
Study 2 The census, Bethlehem and looking to the stars
Study 3 Life in the Empire, Nazareth, the older parent and preparing the way.
Study 4 Shepherds and angels, a personal journey and waiting for Messiah
Purchase of this book in PDF format includes permission by the author for material to be copied for use within a single church fellowship group. Material may not be published on the Internet or in any other publication or offered for sale in any form without the express and written permission of the author who can be contacted via twelvebaskets Ltd.
There's an opening discussion question to get the chat going, a short Bible study and some more searching questions to get folk talking around the issues raised each week. Also included are opening and closing prayers and leaders notes for the meeting.
The Christmas story is so familiar to us, and yet there are aspects which, because they have been ‘sugar-coated’ by tradition, are just a little misunderstood by modern generations. We rarely put the story into its historical and cultural context, and miss information which can help us in our re-telling of this eternal truth to a sceptical generation.
The author has pulled together material from both Matthew and Luke’s account of the birth narrative, added background information from contemporary sources and presented it in a ‘newspaper’ format of short reports and comment, accompanied by discussion questions and a possible short Bible study.
Study 1 The nation, prophets and a spiritual mix.
Study 2 The census, Bethlehem and looking to the stars
Study 3 Life in the Empire, Nazareth, the older parent and preparing the way.
Study 4 Shepherds and angels, a personal journey and waiting for Messiah
Purchase of this book in PDF format includes permission by the author for material to be copied for use within a single church fellowship group. Material may not be published on the Internet or in any other publication or offered for sale in any form without the express and written permission of the author who can be contacted via twelvebaskets Ltd.
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