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A Christmas song celebrating the birth of Christ in humble circumstances, an event which gladdens our hearts and causes God a delight we are invited to share.

Come‚ share‚ at Christmas‚ God’s delight‚
for God is gladdened at the sight
of Mother‚ Child and manger bare:
enticing clues of hope lie there!

“Good pleasure be to all on earth‚”
the angels sang to greet this birth;
and God is glorified when we
can live in trust and harmony.

This Child will be a Man of peace
and work for justice to increase;
his Galilean vision bold
will challenge dogmas new and old.

Verses 4-6 follow

Words: Norman J Goreham
Copyright‚ ©‚ 2004‚ Norman J Goreham
Used by permission  CCLI Licence No 4457596


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