If you would like to receive THE VINE AT HOME - a short act of worship and daily devotions simply sign up to the Worship Cloud weekly newsletter. If you would like to make a donation towards the production of THE VINE AT HOME - Please CLICK HERE.
Seeking an authentic, challenging voice, rooted in the experiences of the twenty-first century church, which speaks to us of God’s vision for our lives and the world.
It’s been a busy year since we first looked at producing resources for Local Arrangement services. From our original trial period and product launch, to seeing almost 1,200 churches across the country receiving and using The Vine, we have been producing weekly, lectionary based, ready to use act of worship.
The Vine is not just a sticking plaster but a means to discovering new skills, abilities and a sense of our calling. We know that things are changing in the Church and the response we have had from users of The Vine clearly shows us that where churches are accepting these changes, and stepping up and taking responsibility for worship, they are discovering that the Spirit is truly with them. The Vine is enabling whole new groups of people to bring of themselves in worship, and developing opportunities for Sunday worship to once again become an invitational tool – where you have been involved in putting the service together, perhaps you are more willing and confident in inviting others to join you…
These resources are not just to cover for the current shortage of Local Preachers and Ministers to lead worship. The feedback shows us that congregations are finding a new way of sharing faith and leading each other in worship, with The Vine being at the heart of these services. Growing in confidence, deepening faith and developing the ability to express their discipleship in their own words.
The initial services started by pulling together resources available from The Worship Cloud. We now commission new resources and have already included reflections by Jonathan Hustler (Secretary of the Methodist Conference), Barbara Glasson (President of Methodist Church), and Christine Elliot (Director of International Programmes, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland), the Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT), All We Can and many more, as well as using resources by Tom Wright, Jane Williams, David Adam, John Birch, Andrew Pratt and Marjorie Dobson.
Tim Baker took over as editor in November and we continue to improve the quality and usability of The Vine resources – do let us know if you have any feedback on how we can do so or how they are being used in your context.
Although The Vine was conceived to help Stewards, Worship Leaders and members of the congregation lead local arrangement services we have had feedback from Ministers and LocalPreachers who have also found The Vine to be a useful source of inspiration in their planning of worship. To add all the staff and Local Preachers to the list of those who receive the Vine costs no extra money. Our subscriptions are based on Number of Churches within your circuit, not how many people can have these resources emailed to them.
The Vine is only available as a whole circuit subscription based on the number of churches in the circuit*.
The Circuit subscription is £30 per center of worship in the circuit for 12 months.
After your circuit has paid for the subscription we will email each church contact and every Worship Leader 1 month in advance, all the resources for the following month.
If you download this document you will find an order form attached.
You can sign up now by emailing your circuit name and number to thevine@twelvebaskets.co.uk
After your circuit has paid for the subscription we will email each church contact and every Worship Leader 1 month in advance, all the resources for the following month.
*A circuit subscription includes the total number of churches within the circuit excluding any that are classes.