A Clothespin
Taken from Simple Ways - Towards The Sacred
author: Gunilla Norris
contributor: SPCK - Gunilla Norris
So many things can be prayer objects for us—little icons that we may use to recognize a deeper reality. One such simple household object is the clothespin. Two pieces of wood and a spring become a means to hold something fast.
If we looked a little deeper we would recognize how we, too, are often like these pieces of wood. We want solitude, for instance, and yet we have more obligations than we can meet...
...M E D I T A T I O N
A clothespin rests in our hands.
We know there are many more in the basket.
Could we stick to just one issue at a time?
When we have taken the time to face
and understand an issue we are dealing with...
Taken from Simple ways by Gunilla Norris
If we looked a little deeper we would recognize how we, too, are often like these pieces of wood. We want solitude, for instance, and yet we have more obligations than we can meet...
...M E D I T A T I O N
A clothespin rests in our hands.
We know there are many more in the basket.
Could we stick to just one issue at a time?
When we have taken the time to face
and understand an issue we are dealing with...
Taken from Simple ways by Gunilla Norris
Publisher: SPCK - view more
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