Joseph and his brothers – an interactive story.
Based on Genesis chapters 37 – 45.
This is an interactive story requiring audience participation.
When the narrator says - It’s just the way it is:
The audience respond with - And it will never change – oh no.
In addition, each part of the story reflects an emotion; the challenge is to respond with the right
emotion. For example if the emotion is pride then the response should be said proudly.
The narrator should lead this by example.
It is good to give the audience a practice run by doing the response with easy emotions such as happy and sad.
It’s just the way it is:
And it will never change – oh no.
Jacob had twelve sons, from Reuben down to Ben.
But Joseph, well, he was a cut above the rest! He had particular gifts and talents.
Jacob was proud of his son, and Joseph was proud of his gifts.
I’m proud of being special.
It’s just the way it is:
And it will never change – oh no.
Joseph’s brothers grew to hate ‘boy wonder’.
They were jealous of his special clothes, his special treatment, and his special relationship with Dad.
We can’t stand having him around!
It’s just the way it is:
And it will never change – oh no.
Rev Meryl White: August 2014