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Lent for Everyone
Mark Year B

...Reports suggest that there are plenty of people today who are so distant from the story of Jesus that they can watch a children’s play about him without realizing what’s going to happen. They are then shocked to the core at the thought of the terrible events that unfold so swiftly. How could they do that, such people think, to someone like Jesus?

Part of the challenge of this weekend, as we prepare for the week that changed the world for ever, is that we need to be, once again, shockable by this story. How easy it is for regular churchgoers, and even those who used to be regular but are no more, to go through Mark chapters 14 and 15 and mentally tick off the different incidents. Oh yes, there’s that bit. Oh yes, Jesus before the chief priests. And then Pontius Pilate. And so Jesus goes to be . . .

Taken from Lent for Everyone Mark Year B by Tom Wright

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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