The traditional Advent hymn ‘O come, O come, Emmanuel’ is based on the ‘O Antiphons’. These traditional prayers, going back to the 7th or 8th cent are generally used in the last week of Advent.
Here is a form of Creed using this hymn as a basis. It is designed for a worship leader to say the lines of the hymn with the congregation joining in the responses
O come, O come, Emmanuel
Jesus, come to us, come to our hurting world
And ransom captive Israel
You are our Redeemer
That mourns in lonely exile here
We, and the whole creation , waits with longing for you to appear
Until the Son of God appear
You came that first Christmas and have promised to come again
O come, Thou Rod of Jesse
Jesus, you are truly human, like us you had a family tree
free Thine own from Satan's tyranny
You have the power to overcome evil in our lives