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A Matter of Life and Death Bible
Ref: Matthew 8,9,& 11 -13; Mark 3&4; Luke 7&8

Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linking text as well as the characters in the scene itself.

List of scenes:
The Centurion's Servant
The Widow of Nain
The Messengers from John the Baptist
At the House of Simon the Pharisee
Jesus Drives Out Demons
The Parable of the Sower
Why Use Parables?
The Parable of the Mustard Seed and the Weeds
Jesus Calms a Storm
The Gerasene Demoniacs
Jairus's Daughter and the Woman Who Touched Jesus

The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Weeds

Why do you talk about seeds and sowers, Lord?

Because the kingdom is very similar. It’s like a tiny mustard seed, which is so small you can barely see it. But plant it, water it and it grows into the mightiest of plants – even birds come and rest in its shade. The kingdom is like that – it has small beginnings that will reach out forever.

Let’s make that happen then! Now!

It takes time Peter, the farmer who sows seed has to leave it in the ground and wait. He doesn’t understand the process but he knows it will grow and one day he will wake up and find the crop there, ready for harvesting. That’s the nature of the kingdom. It will grow. Plant that seed and one life will harvest many.

So will it change everyone?

That would be good – but it’s not like that. Another farming story for you. A man goes out and sows good, healthy seed in his fields.

There’s an awful lot of sowing going on…




Permission is hereby given for this material to be performed before a live non-paying audience or for any non-profit or charitable occasion.  This sketch may be printed by the purchaser for use by amateurs within their organisation only on condition that such copies are not given, lent or sold to any other organisation or individual. Reproduction or transmission in any form or by any means other than stated above is forbidden without written permission from the publisher: Active Media Publishing Ltd, 71 Lowther Road, Dunstable, Bedfordshire LU6 3LN  Tel: 01582 603413 



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