The Second Sunday before Lent Year C
Taken from Twelve Months of Sunday year c
The Second Sunday Before Lent
Genesis 2.4b–9, 15–25
Revelation 4
Luke 8.22–25
The goodness and the terror of the created world dominate these readings. From the garden in Genesis to the throne-room in Revelation, all that is done reflects God’s loving creativity, and his sharing of that creativity with the creatures made in his own image. God’s breath in human nostrils is used to give names to the animals, and then finally to lead them in worship. Woven deep into Scripture is the human vocation, to be God’s agents in bringing order and joy to the world of rivers and plants, animals and birds, and indeed to one another. Made for relationship with God, with the natural world, and with one another, we know the glory, and the high risk, of our fragile calling...