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The New Educational Year

From the book ‘Open with God’ by Christine Odell.

Open With God
Click here to buy the Book

Opening prayer suitable for meetings or worship
Proverbs 2:1-6

God our Teacher,
we hear the doors of school and college
being flung open once more
to welcome in children and students.
And we pray that the opening of those doors
may be the opening up of minds and lives
to knowledge, understanding and growth.

We pray for the youngest children
making their first steps on the journey of knowledge,
as they start school, for ….
and for those who face the challenge of a new school, for ….
Lord, we know that sometimes school life can be hard,
but we pray that they may be upheld by you
helping them to be interested in what they are learning,
and to find enjoyment and support in their friendships.


©Christine Odell (Sheasby)
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