Full Service - Proper 24 (29) - Year C
Taken from Times and Seasons
Proper 24 (29) - Year C
Service contents:
Hymn: Sing of the Lord’s goodness or Great is thy faithfulness or God in this worship renew and
enliven us
Prayer: Creator God, we thank you
Reading: Psalm 119:97-104
Dialogue/Drama: Goody two shoes!
Reflection/poem: Questioning the Psalm
Hymn: From the breaking of the dawn or Your words to me are life and health or Faith is full of
Reading: Jeremiah 31:27-34
Reflection/meditation: Agreement
Hymn/Poem: Have you heard God’s voice? Has your heart been stirred? or The church of Christ,
in every age or If all the world could live as if
Reading: 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5
Poem: Itching ears
Reading: Luke 18:1-8
Sermon idea: Drama/dialogue: The unjust judge
Hymn: Pray for a world where every child or Pray, without ceasing, pray or God-botherers call with
their prayers and their praises
Prayer: Dear God, how empty our words are
Hymn: Let us build a house where love can dwell or Lord, your church on earth is seeking or
Cities of sanctuary, places of safety
Blessing: We go into our everyday world
Andrew Pratt (born 1948)
Words © Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England, www.stainer.co.uk.
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