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God the Father
God the Father
by Chris Goan
God the Father A liturgy for two lead voices, with responses for congregational reading, examining the nature of our Father God, and how we understand the nature of fatherhood. (Voice 1) Our images of fatherhood are shaped by our own experiences, good and bad. How then can we we
Open with God Book - The Ascension Of Christ Prayer
Open with God Book - The Ascension Of Christ Prayer
by Christine Odell
General prayer for worship or meetings Based on Acts 1:1-11 God of today, of yesterday and of tomorrow. we find it very hard to let go of much in our lives; we want to hold on to what we love like the disciples who held on to the ascending Jesus with their heaven-cast eyes...
Waiting for God
Waiting for God
by Julie M Fairweather
These days we are often so busy that, when we do find time to talk to God, as soon as we say ‘Amen’ we rush off to the next thing and don’t give God the chance to respond. Yet, in the smallest pauses, God is waiting. He longs for us to hear His voice in that space. At the e
Psalms for Everyone - Silence toward God
Psalms for Everyone - Silence toward God
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Silence toward God Psalm 62 A friend of mine has gone on a month’s silent retreat (he is answering e-mails, which seems a bit like cheating, but then maybe so is reading or listening to talks). He needs to know what is to be the next stage in his life and his service of God, and
LWPT Meditations - Trinity Sunday
LWPT Meditations - Trinity Sunday
by Susan Thorne
26 May 2013 LWPT Meditation Trinity Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31 Psalm 8 Romans 5:1-5 John 16:12-15 It happens every year. The preaching plan for May and June is issued, and someone is heard to complain about being lumbered with Trinity Sunday. “I preached at the same church last year o
Job for Everyone - In the Midst of Life We Are in Death
Job for Everyone - In the Midst of Life We Are in Death
by SPCK - John Goldingay
In the Midst of Life We Are in Death Job 14: 1-22 As a pastor, I have been used to reading words from the beginning of Job 14 at funerals, and specifically as the burial party arrives at the grave with the coffin. The traditional prayer-book version reads,..
Lectionary Reflection Year C - Proper 10 Year C
Lectionary Reflection Year C - Proper 10 Year C
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Proper 10 Deuteronomy 30.9–14 Colossians 1.1–14 Luke 10.25–37 Does God actually make things too easy for us? Do we keep looking around for the catch, trying to work out what we are missing, when really the truth is as simple as can be? Our human religious instincts tend to go in
Job for Everyone - The Silence of Friends
Job for Everyone - The Silence of Friends
by SPCK - John Goldingay
The Silence of Friends Job 2: 9-13 The day my first wife died, we were planning to go to the beach, so I went on my own the next day. This may sound weird, but it seemed to make sense at the time, and when I got home I was glad I had gone, because there were twelve messages on th
Precious God you know no measure
Precious God you know no measure
by Andrew Pratt
Precious God you know no measure, told in silence by the stars, you proclaim our morning’s pleasure, all creation’s wealth is ours. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: ANIMAE HOMINUM; GOTT WILL’S MACHEN Metre: 8 7 8 7 Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 8/2/2012 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London,
The Living God - The Christian story of salvation: doing justice to God
The Living God - The Christian story of salvation: doing justice to God
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Mystery or muddle? The Trinity 5 The Christian story of salvation: doing justice to God The Christian Church has always realized that getting God right trumps everything. The doctrine of the Trinity aims to integrate all the elements of the rich and complex biblical witness to th
The Living God - Moving on