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Lectionary Reflection Year C - Easter Sunday Year C
Lectionary Reflection Year C - Easter Sunday Year C
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Easter Sunday Isaiah 65.17–25 Acts 10.34–43 Luke 24.1–12 Creation and resurrection are mirror images of each other, and they are held together by the nature and purpose of God. At its simplest, God is Life-giver. That has endless implications and ramifications, all of them glorio…
JOHN: The people's bible commentary - From GARDEN to COURTYARD
JOHN: The people's bible commentary - From GARDEN to COURTYARD
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
From GARDEN to COURTYARD When Jesus warned the disciples after washing their feet that they could not follow where he was going, Peter offered to lay down his life for Jesus (13:37). Despite Jesus’ warning that he was more likely to deny him and everything in the Farewell Discour…
Dealing with Failure
Dealing with Failure
by Roger Johnson
Evangelism Bulletin 267 – Dealing with Failure It was one of those days when my heart leapt with joy. I looked at the lectionary to see what reading was set for my Sunday service and it was one of my favourite passages. It was the encounter which Simon Peter and some of the other…
Mark for Everyone - In the High Priest’s House
Mark for Everyone - In the High Priest’s House
by SPCK - N T Wright
Mark For Everyone MARK 14.53–72 In the High Priest’s House... ...Jesus retains his integrity at the cost of his life. Peter loses his integrity to save his skin. Mark has contrasted them vividly. The double picture is put together in another of Mark’s ‘sandwiches’. Peter arrives …
Arthur's Call - Foreword
Arthur's Call - Foreword
by SPCK - Frances Young
Foreword ‘Arthur is seriously brain-damaged and unable to develop normally.’ This was what Frances Young was told when Arthur was a few months old. Frances, then a mother with her first child, now a Methodist minister and former Edward Cadbury Professor of Theology in the Univers…
Failure–Reflection on John 1:29-42
Failure–Reflection on John 1:29-42
by Marjorie Dobson
Failure – Reflection on John 1:29-42 If John had decided not to take on the role of Baptist, there would have been no noisy wilderness prophet to gaze at in amazement and to challenge supposedly God-fearing folk about lifestyle and commitment. Who would have baptised Jesus then a…
Monologue/Drama: Look at Peter!
Monologue/Drama: Look at Peter!
by Marjorie Dobson
Monologue/Drama: Look at Peter! It’s the same man! It really is! Although you wouldn’t believe it, if you remembered his past behaviour. Remember he was the coward who denied that he knew Jesus when he was challenged by that girl in the courtyard while Jesus was standing trial. H…
Hymn: As Jesus faced his closest friends
Hymn: As Jesus faced his closest friends
by Marjorie Dobson
As Jesus faced his closest friends and asked them,’Who am I?’ ‘You are the Christ, the one who comes,’ was Peter’s sure reply. But Jesus turned to speak to them of torture and of pain and Peter could not bear those words and urged him, ‘turn again.’ Then Peter heard Christ’s shar…
Drama - Resolution
Drama - Resolution
by Kit Walkham
Looks at how the early Church resolved the questions raised by the conversion of Gentiles at Antioch. Illustrates a positive outcome to a deeply felt dispute through listening, prayer and a focus on mission. Cast - 2 male, 2 female. Staging requires the 2 couples to be in differe…
LWPT Meditations - Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B