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It’s that man again, isn’t it
It’s that man again, isn’t it
by Marjorie Dobson
Dramatic monologue: It’s that man again, isn’t it. Second Sunday of Easter Acts 2: 14a, 22 – 32 It’s that man again, isn’t it. The one who used to be just Simon, but now seems to be called Simon Peter. I don’t know how he dared to stand in front of all of us and say the things h
Contemplating lofty aims
Contemplating lofty aims
by Michaela Youngson
Poem: Contemplating lofty aims I want to mount up on wings like eagles, only I need to get to the supermarket. This is the problem with the sublime: Life tends to be more about the mundane, and I find I increasingly have little time, to spend contemplating such aims...
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem/Dramatic Monologue: Thomas Second Sunday of Easter - John 20: 19 – 31 It must have felt like walking into a nightmare. All those sensible, down-to-earth friends of yours, ranting and raving; telling you the most bizarre stories; jumping up and down with excitement, flinging
The Same Spirit - poem/meditation
The Same Spirit - poem/meditation
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem/meditation -The same spirit Sixth Sunday of Easter John 14: 15-21 A counsellor. A comforter. An advocate. That’s what we need – all three of them. The counsellor will listen and ask questions and help us to understand ourselves, then give us wise advice, but only if we ask f
Jacob’s wrestling
Jacob’s wrestling
by Andrew Pratt
Meditation: Jacob’s wrestling Proper 13 year A Genesis 32: 22 – 31 I'd looked out on that scene before. Knew it like the back of my hand. Funny the sayings we have, I don't know the back of my hand very well, never studied it. But I knew that scene, the placing of trees, leafy in
What peace is there for tarnished lives