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Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - The Complications of Surrogacy
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - The Complications of Surrogacy
by SPCK - John Goldingay
The Complications of Surrogacy Genesis 16: 4b-7 Establishing whether a couple’s problem in having children lies in the man or the woman involves stressful processes of medical investigation. When a woman who had gone through such procedures told me her husband had a zero sperm co
The Living God - Images as windows into God
The Living God - Images as windows into God
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Which God Are We Talking About? 1 Images as windows into God A picture is worth a thousand words.’ Being able to show someone a picture of a beautiful scene, a complicated piece of machinery or a pet cat goes a long way towards making up for the limitations of human words. So per
THE NEW TESTAMENT AND THE PEOPLE OF GOD - 7 Literature, Story and The Articulation of Worldviews
THE NEW TESTAMENT AND THE PEOPLE OF GOD - 7 Literature, Story and The Articulation of Worldviews
by SPCK - N T Wright
Literature, Story and The Articulation of Worldviews The study of early Christianity, of Jesus and Paul, and especially of the theology of the whole movement and of individuals within it, is conducted by means of the study of literature…
the historical character of Jesus - 4 “The ascended Christ”: Jesus in Deutro-Paul
the historical character of Jesus - 4 “The ascended Christ”: Jesus in Deutro-Paul
by SPCK - David Allen
“The ascended Christ”: Jesus in Deutro-Paul Any attempt to ponder the portrayal of Jesus in the Deutero- Pauline corpus necessarily invites some hesitation or caution. By separating the texts off from the so-called Hauptbriefe or primary letters of Paul…
Mere Apologetics - 8b Case Study 1: Why Does God Allow Suffering?
Mere Apologetics - 8b Case Study 1: Why Does God Allow Suffering?
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Case Study 1: Why Does God Allow Suffering? Our first case study is an issue that is regularly raised both in public debates and private conversations. If God is good, why is there suffering in the world? Why do bad things happen in a universe created by a supposedly loving God?
Seeking, we come in faith
Seeking, we come in faith
by Michael Docker
Seeking, we come in faith, Trusting a greater truth Than anything the world can bring. Minds turned away from fear, Ready to pray and hear; We'll praise and worship, stay and sing. Asking, we come in hope, Needing a clearer scope Than anything the world can show. Hearts opened to
Traces of Glory Year B - The Fourth Sunday of Lent - Year B
Traces of Glory Year B - The Fourth Sunday of Lent - Year B
by SPCK - David Adam
The Fourth Sunday of Lent Lord, we seek to make our home in you, for in you is our hope, in you is our peace. May we abide in you as you are in us. Grant, O Lord, in turning to you we may find new vision, new strength and new love, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and rei
Songs From The Applecart MP3 Bundle
Songs From The Applecart MP3 Bundle
Songs From The Applecart Album by Peter Moreton Track list: 1 Passionate Angel 2 Does It Matter To You 3 Sorry For The Distance 4 My loved One Had A Vineyard 5 Show Me The Money 6 Wanna Run Away 7 Pigs Might Fly 8 Make Me Well 9 Rock A Bye Baby 10 Heal Me 11 Let Me Sleep Forever
Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - Proper 19 Year A
Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - Proper 19 Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
Twelve Months of Sundays – Year A Ordinary Time Proper 19 Exodus 14.19–31 Romans 14.1–12 Matthew 18.21–35 The tidal wave struck, and we were unprepared. Comfortable liberal civilization, in which we were OK and they were OK – the corporate version of the street-level feel-good ph
New Testament Wisdom for Everyone - Watch Out For Dangers
New Testament Wisdom for Everyone - Watch Out For Dangers
by SPCK - N T Wright
4 THE PATH OF THE DISCIPLE WATCH OUT FOR DANGERS! Hebrews 12: 12-17 ‘It was a moment of madness.’ The politician stood shamefully before the press. He had been caught out soliciting for sexual favours in a notorious part of town. His character was in ruins, his reputation in tatt
Acts for Everyone part 1 - God's Rescue Plan
Acts for Everyone part 1 - God's Rescue Plan
by SPCK - N T Wright
God’s Rescue Plan Acts 2.37-41 It’s one thing to discover you are driving along the wrong road. It may be frustrating, and even embarrassing if you have people in the car who thought you knew where you were going. But you can at least admit the mistake, turn round and set off aga
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - The Third Sunday of Easter Year B