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Meditations for Carers
15. Keeping your head above water

Mark 6.30–31

Do you have days when you’re coping – just? Days when you could use another couple of hours’ (or days’) sleep, an extra pair of hands (or a few clones of yourself !) to get everything done? Those are the days when it’s time to admit you’re not Superman or Superwoman.

It doesn’t really matter that the house is a bit of a mess. There’s a roof over our heads. At the moment, it’s raining heavily and the water is seeping into the garage (I must get those gutters cleared!) but I’ve put newspapers down to soak it up. Isn’t that pretty much what we do with our lives as carers? Trying to cope with what is. Not fighting it. Accepting it with as peaceful a heart as we can, and then doing what we can to minimize the problems of the day, maybe even create a little joy. And one way to do that is to stop trying to be Superman or Superwoman and just be ourselves, taking a little more time to do things, cutting ourselves some slack...

Taken from One Day at a Time: Meditations for Carers by Dorothy M.Stewart

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