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Lectionary Reflections - Year B - The Fourth Sunday before Advent Year B
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - The Fourth Sunday before Advent Year B
by SPCK - Jane Williams
The Fourth Sunday Before Advent Deuteronomy 6.1-9 Hebrews 9.11-14 Mark 12. 28-34 Person A: Do I love God? Well, why should I? What’s God ever done for me? I’ve worked hard all my life and nobody’s ever given me a thing. There are people out there born with everything they’ll ever
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - The Sixth Sunday of Easter Year B
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - The Sixth Sunday of Easter Year B
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
The Sixth Sunday of Easter John 15:9-17 Gaze on a page of the Book of Kells, an illuminated manuscript from around ad 800; study the Celtic knots and intricate spirals that adorn it. See the way the threads twist and loop together without end or beginning, how hard it is to unrav
Hymn: Love as we, ourselves, know loving
Hymn: Love as we, ourselves, know loving
by Andrew Pratt
Love as we, ourselves, know loving, in this way we will be blessed; get this right and all will follow: such a very simple test. And this test is in the action, not in claims of faith or creed, but in ways we serve each other, meeting one another's need. Verses 3-5 follow Tune: C
What news is good? That Christ will live forever?
What news is good? That Christ will live forever?
by Andrew Pratt
What news is good? That Christ will live forever? Beyond a cruel death an empty grave? And whether this is fact or faith means nothing unless Christ's Spirit gives the means to save. If we endure derision, in this moment, or share communion bread within this place, unless our liv
Rhythms of remembering - Lent - Saturday Morning Prayer
Rhythms of remembering - Lent - Saturday Morning Prayer
by SPCK - Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild
LENT - Saturday Morning Prayer Blessed are you, O God: you watch with us in our darkness. My soul waits for you more than the night-watch for the morning, more than the night-watch for the morning. Psalm 130.5...
by SPCK - N T Wright
Judaism Reconstructed (ad 70–135) The period after ad 70 was, obviously, of great significance for the future direction of Judaism. It has also often been regarded as of great significance for the development of early Christianity…
Mere Apologetics - 5 The Reasonableness of the Christian Faith
Mere Apologetics - 5 The Reasonableness of the Christian Faith
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
The Reasonableness of the Christian Faith Apologetics is about persuading people that Christianity makes sense. C. S. Lewis, perhaps the greatest Christian apologist of the twentieth century, describes the capacity the Christian faith has to make sense of things with characterist
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 2 Introduction: Why ‘entrepreneur’?
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 2 Introduction: Why ‘entrepreneur’?
by SPCK - Michael Volland
2 Introduction: Why ‘entrepreneur’? I was talking about entrepreneurship at a conference and somebody asked me why I seemed to be hung up on using the word ‘entrepreneur’ rather than a term with less apparent baggage: something like ‘innovator’, ‘creative person’ or ‘pioneer’…
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - The Sixth Sunday of Easter Year B
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - The Sixth Sunday of Easter Year B
by SPCK - Jane Williams
The Sixth Sunday of Easter Acts 10.44-48 1John 5.1-6 John 15.9-17 The desire for certainty goes very deep, and all of today’s readings look at that longing with sympathy, though the answers they give are as challenging as they are reassuring. In the Gospel, Jesus is at last givin
Intercessions - I want to serve
Intercessions - I want to serve
by Jane Bingham
Intercessions for use alongside “I want to serve the purpose of God” Lord we pray for our world broken by war and conflict. Conscious of people living without homes, water and food whilst we have all we need. Conscious of people facing war just along the road from their village r
Lectionary Reflections Year A - Proper 20 Year A
Lectionary Reflections Year A - Proper 20 Year A
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Lectionary reflections - Year A Ordinary Time Proper 20 Jonah 3.10—4.11 Philippians 1.21–30 Matthew 20.1–16 Did Jonah ever get the point? The author deliberately chooses an open ending. Jonah knows his God quite well, but that doesn’t mean he has to like him. He thinks God is rid
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - Proper 16 Year B