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When those whose thoughts are crystal clear
When those whose thoughts are crystal clear
by Andrew Pratt
When those whose thoughts are crystal clear meet those who are confused, reality can seem disturbed and sense can feel abused. We stand upon a sheer abyss while vertigo takes hold, the air above, the sea beneath, our actions uncontrolled. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: MACPHERSON’S FARE
Who can fathom point or purpose
Who can fathom point or purpose
by Andrew Pratt
Who can fathom point or purpose in our random history? Who can frame a sharper focus, clear the clouds of mystery. In this present generation, where can God be seen or known? Are we blind to love and goodness where the grace of God is shown? Verse 3 follows Tune: GOTT WILL’S MACH
Creating God‚ from sun’s first ray
Creating God‚ from sun’s first ray
by Norman J Goreham (1931-2021)
AT NOONTIDE Creating God‚ from sun’s first ray you journey with us through the day and‚ as the noon leads on to night‚ you order time and change aright. Verses 2-3 follow L.M. This hymn is written in the style of the Latin office hymns in the medieval church. Copyright‚ ©‚ 2005
Drama - Gracious giving
Drama - Gracious giving
by Colin Smith
Joan brings her Grandad an expensive but unsuitable 75th Birthday present. Cousin Mary's on the other hand is thoughtful, appropriate and hand made with love. This sketch has been used at All Age Worship, as a discussion starter which draws out the points that gifts need to be ap
Lectio Divina the Sacred Art - 13 THE SACRED STORIES OF OUR LIVES
Lectio Divina the Sacred Art - 13 THE SACRED STORIES OF OUR LIVES
by Christine Valters Painter
THE SACRED STORIES OF OUR LIVES Like the Hebrew alphabet, the alphabet of grace has no vowels, and in that sense [God’s] words to us are always veiled, subtle, cryptic, so that it is left to us to delve their meaning, to fill in the vowels, for ourselves by means of all the faith
Eco LEctionary September 11
Eco LEctionary September 11
by Keynsham Methodist Church Eco Group
ECO-HINTS FROM THE LECTIONARY September 2011 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time—Year A 4 September 2010 Ezekiel 33: 7-11 Psalm 119: 33-40 Romans 13: 8-14 Matthew 18: 15-20 In Ezekiel, the Lord has warned the watchman. It is now the watchman’s task to warn the rest. If you see the eco m
glimpses of glory - Proper 3 - Year C