I am told that the secret to achieving your goals is to make a list. Then, everyday, do something that takes you a step closer to achieving that goal. It is best to only do a few things each day. This way we will reach our goals. To achieve what we want, a focus each day would seem the way ahead.
But there is a world of difference between what we want and what we need. The other rule of being productive is about doing what is important. Deciding between what we want and and what we need can be a little difficult. It isn’t always as straightforward as we think, our wants and needs can become entangled, and even, at times, be the same thing.
The Gospel passage in the Lectionary this weekend is Luke 10:38-42 and looks at Martha and Mary. Martha was doing what she thought was important and got a little annoyed when Mary wasn’t doing the same. However, Jesus pointed out to her what was really important.
As I continue to try and achieve my goals I have been making sure that I have a spiritual element to my daily routine, because that is important. I need to make sure Jesus is part of my daily focus. In a world where there are so many distractions, wants and needs, it is vital that we focus on what is important.
The Seed has plenty of resources to help us sit at our Lord’s feet. The images, meditations and study notes are all available to deepen your spiritual experience. With a range of subscription options you’ll find something to meet your ‘important’ need. And don’t forget to follow The Seed on twitter, Facebook and Pinterest, where we often post inspirational thoughts and images. Finally, if you know anyone else who would benefit from The Seed, please share this article with them.
We hope you achieve your goals this week and that you also remain in Jesus.
BTW my favourite current list-making app is wunderlist, so if you fancy making some lists, why not start there. You could have 'share The Seed with others as your first goal.