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Life’s Just Not Fair
2 Kings 12:1-21

The man who would have been my boss in my present job, David Hubbard, first interviewed me over lunch in a hotel in London in 1981. He was one of the most creative, innovative leaders in theological education in the United States and took the seminary from being a significant but conventional and average-sized seminary to being a complex one and the biggest seminary in the world. Oddly, like me he had a disabled wife, and like me he was an Old Testament professor. Four years before I eventually joined the seminary faculty, he retired, and two years later he dropped dead, at an age still younger than I am now and an age when you might have thought he still had a decade or two ahead of him, either to sit on the beach at Santa Barbara with his wife or to do lots more significant things in the world of theological education or of Old Testament study...

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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