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The Bird in a Cage
2 Kings 18:1-37

When my sons were babies, we would play trust exercises with them, though I’m not sure whether we or they realized this was what we were doing. They would leap from some height, such as a wall, knowing that father or mother would catch them. As little children (if we have reason to think our parents are trustworthy), we probably find this easy. Growing up, we discover that not everyone is trustworthy, and we may hesitate to jump. As a psychiatrist, my wife used to get people to do formal trust exercises, which would involve getting a patient to fall backwards into the arms of someone else. In doing that, there is a moment when you reach the point of no return. If you let yourself go beyond that point, you are not going to be able to stop your fall. You have made a commitment and are absolutely dependent on the person who says he or she is going to catch you. You have to trust that you can rely on this person...

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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