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Insight Lies in Submission to the Lord
Job 28: 1-28

In two weeks I have to preach at the seminary’s baccalaureate service (a kind of commissioning service, I could call it for U.K. readers). Each year as I have listened appreciatively to the baccalaureate sermon, I have wondered what on earth I would say if I ever had to preach it. Not surprisingly, I did not know the answer when I didn’t need it, but when I was asked to preach this year, I knew the answer immediately. I’m not directly preaching on this chapter, but this chapter has the theme. It’s easy to think of seminary as concerned with the acquisition of knowledge and skills, but if the seminary gives the impression that these are the only things that people need to acquire, it encourages them to miss the point. The seminary needs to be concerned with insight...

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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