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How Long, How Long, How Long, How Long?
Psalm 13

About the same time as the story I described in connection with Psalm 12, I had a dream or a vision—I’m not sure what it was. I was pushing Ann in her wheelchair across a bare plain toward the horizon. It was hard, but I had people who cared about us who were helping me push and who would indeed sometimes shove me out of the way so that they could push and I could simply walk. Then, as a spectator to the scene, I was lifted up on a Simon Snorkel hydraulic platform to watch the scene, and from that much greater height I saw that the horizon and the distance I had to push were much farther than I could see from ground level, though I knew it would be OK because I had those helpers. With hindsight I now know that the horizon was miles farther than I could have known—I pushed the wheelchair for twenty years. And despite the support, I often wondered, “How long, how long, how long, how long?” With hindsight, I am glad I didn’t know the answer, as I’m not sure I could have lived with it...

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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