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The Third Sunday of Easter - Year A

Acts 2.14a, 36–41
1 Peter 1.17–23
Luke 24.13–35

In his poem, ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree’,1 W. B.
Yeats pictures a man so consumed with longing
for home that even in the middle of a busy street,
all he hears is the sound of the lake, more real
than the shadowy place where he is actually
standing. What he longs for is the home of his
imagination, on the Isle of Innisfree, where he
will live in simplicity and peace. The slow beat
of the poem’s last line lets us see the man,
standing stock still as the traffic flows around
him, hearing the sound of the water of his dreams.
Yeats did not, of course, abandon his literary life...

Taken from Lectionary reflections – Year A by Jane Williams

Published by SPCK

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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