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Monologue: ‘Those that sow in tears shall reap in joy.’

‘Those that sow in tears shall reap in joy.’
Sounds like the beatitudes all over again to me!
Cursed to be Blessed?
Bad times turned to Good?
Might be for you! For me?

What was that old song? 'Why does it always rain on me?'
You remember the grumpy old men? What's that? You're married to one?
Well I've got a degree in grumpiness! I could moan for England.


But seriously, I sometimes feel like that chap in the Old Testament, Job.

Divorce, bereavement, cancer. Not all at once. But sometimes I wonder.

Why me? One of my Job's comforters retaliated, 'Why not you?'

Not much help that!

I hang on though. 'Hope springs eternal', they say.

One thing keeps me going. Somehow after every setback, I've got back up. Bit like night and morning. However dark the night, however cloudy the dawn, sooner or later, sometimes years later, the light comes back.

And life's a bit like that, honestly.

However forsaken, however beaten down, beyond it all, love dawns again when I least expect it. And beyond the tears, real tears, JOY! Honestly, really.

Hope you find it too,

one day.

I'll pray for that.

Andrew Pratt (born 1948)

Words © 3/3/2013 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England,

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