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Proper 7
Sunday between 19 & 25 June (after Trinity)

Genesis 21. 8-21 Jeremiah 20.7-13 Psalm. 86. 1-10 [16-17] Psalm. 69. 7-10 [11-15]16-18 Romans 6. Ib-11  Matthew 10. 24-39

Lord Jesus Christ, everlasting Son of the Father,
who for our sakes humbled yourself, help us to heed your call.
Give us a spirit of humble service that we may reach out to others in love,
Christ our Lord, who with the Father and the Spirit lives and reigns for evermore.

Lord, you have called us to serve you,
you have called us to heal,
you have called us to love.
Bless the work of the church in places of neglect and deprivation...

Taken from Clouds And Glory by David Adam

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