The Messiah and the Father
Taken from John for Everyone Part 1
The Messiah and the Father
John 10.19-30
It was the third winter after the disaster. Many of the people had begun to lose hope that good fortune would ever return to them. The enemy had come in and trampled all over their lovely city. Many had been killed, many captured. Some of the local people had collaborated with the foreigners, hoping no doubt to secure their favour in case their regime should last a long time.
But some had never reconciled themselves to the new situation. In particular, the loss of their great and beautiful Temple was a shock and an affront. It was, after all, the house of their God, the God of all the world. Now these foreigners were worshipping their own gods there, offering sacrifices that would never have been allowed before. Revolution was brewing, and came to the boil. A sudden attack, a wonderful victory; the tyrant was overthrown, the city liberated...
Taken from John for Everyone – by Tom Wright