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All Desires Known - Most Holy and Most Humble Collect
All Desires Known - Most Holy and Most Humble Collect
by SPCK - Janet Morley
MOST HOLY AND MOST HUMBLE Collect John 1.1–14 Mighty God, most holy and most humble, you have chosen to hear our cry... Christmas Day (ABC); 2 before Lent (B); Lent 4 (B); Christ the King (C) Taken from All Desires Known by Janet Morley Published by SPCK
LWPT Meditations - Sixth Sunday in Lent - Year C
LWPT Meditations - Sixth Sunday in Lent - Year C
by Susan Thorne
Meditation – 6th Sunday in Lent Year C Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 Philippians 2:5-11 Luke 19:28-40 When Jesus made arrangements for a colt to be available for him to ride into Jerusalem at the start of his last week on earth, he was planning a demonstration of royal powe…
Psalms for Everyone - Praise and Thanksgiving as a Key to Prayer-I
Psalms for Everyone - Praise and Thanksgiving as a Key to Prayer-I
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Praise and Thanksgiving as a Key to Prayer-I Psalm 9: 1-18 Yesterday a pastor in Florida invited me to look at his blog, where he had written about God’s renewing the church. When God renewed the church (as happened with the emergence of Pentecostalism a century ago, for instance…
Joshua, Judges and Ruth for Everyone - Unlikely Saviors
Joshua, Judges and Ruth for Everyone - Unlikely Saviors
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Unlikely Saviors JUDGES 3:5- 31 My father was a machine minder in a printing works, and my mother was a seamstress. I was the first person in my extended family to stay at school beyond the age of fourteen. I have more than thirty cousins; only one other has been to college. I am…
Joshua, Judges and Ruth for Everyone - When God Finds It Hard to Be Tough
Joshua, Judges and Ruth for Everyone - When God Finds It Hard to Be Tough
by SPCK - John Goldingay
When God Finds It Hard to Be Tough JUDGES 10:1- 11:29 In my prayers each day (well, most days, to be honest), I pray either for the nation or for the church in our nation. I do so against the background of the fact that nations grow and triumph and then decline and fall, and that…
Rhythms of remembering - Friday Midday Prayer
Rhythms of remembering - Friday Midday Prayer
by SPCK - Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild
Midday and Night Prayer for all seasons Friday Midday Prayer It is God who girds me with strength and sets me secure on the heights. You have shown the strength of your arm, you have scattered the proud in their hearts’ imaginings...
Intercessions Years A, B and C - Proper 14 Year A
Intercessions Years A, B and C - Proper 14 Year A
by SPCK - Ian Black
Proper 14 Year A Give thanks to the Lord Call upon his name. Lord, it is you who comes when we cry out in storm-tossed moments. Reach out to your Church when sight of the strong wind brings fear… Open our ears to hear you say ‘take heart’…
How long, O Lord, until you hear
How long, O Lord, until you hear
by Gareth Hill Publishing/Song Solutions CopyCare
Hymn – How long, 0 Lord, until you hear How long, 0 Lord, until you hear the Church’s cry of pain? Our voices fail, our strength grows weak are all our dreams in vain? Yet still we search for shafts of hope for rumours of new birth, we strain for heaven’s answer to our anguish he…
Psalms for Everyone - When You Feel Vulnerable and Threatened
Psalms for Everyone - When You Feel Vulnerable and Threatened
by SPCK - John Goldingay
When You Feel Vulnerable and Threatened Psalm 66 Today is the anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the United States. For some reason it has reminded me of the first time I visited the United States, during the first Gulf War in 1990. The plane was half empty, which seemed …
Meditation - 1st Sunday of Christmas Year A
Meditation - 1st Sunday of Christmas Year A
by David Middleton
Meditation – 1st Sunday of Christmas Year A Another Joseph goes to Egypt Matthew 2: 13-23 Joseph reeled in agony at the news. He had just heard that back home, many infant lives had been lost at the hands of Herod, who, frightened that a newborn baby would take his throne, had mu…
Love enters in our joy and gladness
Love enters in our joy and gladness
by Andrew Pratt
Love enters in our joy and gladness, love celebrates each win, each goal, love sits with us in deepest sadness, love lives with us and makes us whole. Love holds us in our deepest sorrow, love feels the hurt beneath a sigh, loves walks with us toward tomorrow, loves lives with us…
Joshua, Judges and Ruth for Everyone - On the Unimportance of Spiritual Insight