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PAUL AND THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD - Before and After Julius Caesar
PAUL AND THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD - Before and After Julius Caesar
by SPCK - N T Wright
2. The Reality of Empire (II) Before and After Julius Caesar Ancient Rome had had a succession of kings, the last being Tarquinus Superbus in the late sixth century BC. Legend named Rome’s first king, the founder of the city in 753 BC, as Romulus. Since, however, there is no cont
Poem: Nothing else matters
Poem: Nothing else matters
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Nothing else matters Nothing else matters now. Who cares if you’re poor, or wealthy? Who cares if you’re a banker, or unemployed? Who cares if you own a stately mansion, or you’re homeless,? Who cares what colour you are, or what your background is? Who cares how many degre
friends, FOES and families - Woe to you, you hypocrites: Philemon's reply
friends, FOES and families - Woe to you, you hypocrites: Philemon's reply
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
Woe to you, hypocrites: Philemon’s reply Philemon Jesus, it is our hypocrisy you most deplore. May I never be scornful of others, or shut the door of the Kingdom in another person’s face. (cf. Matthew 23.13)...
Reflection: Love one another
Reflection: Love one another
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection: Love one another “Love one another as I have loved you.” What a challenge Does that mean I’ve got to love my enemies? Does that mean I’ve got to love my political opponents? Does that mean I’ve got to love those whose opinions I can’t tolerate? Does that mean I’ve got
LWPT Meditations - Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B
LWPT Meditations - Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B
by Susan Thorne
Meditation - 26thSunday in Ordinary Time Yr B James 5: 13-20 Mark 9: 38-50 Jesus’ words in Mark 9 verses 42-50 are some of the most personally uncomfortable in the gospels. They are directed straight at us – not at a self-righteous Pharisee, nor at a misguided disciple, but at ea
LWPT Meditations - Seventh Sunday of Easter - Year A
LWPT Meditations - Seventh Sunday of Easter - Year A
by Susan Thorne
Meditation – Seventh Sunday of Easter Year A Acts 1:6-14 Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35 1st Peter 4:12-14, 5:6-11 John 17:1-11 The Israelites knew God by a multiplicity of names and titles, including “the One who rides on the clouds” (Psalm 68:4). In this guise, God presented himself as po
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