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LWPT Meditations - The Trinity
LWPT Meditations - The Trinity
by Susan Thorne
Meditation - THE TRINITY Greater than the sun in its splendour is our God. In the heavens he has pitched his tent. Like a bridegroom he comes forth from his pavilion, Like a champion rejoicing to run his course (Psalm 19 v 4b-6). He draws up the drops of water which distil as rai
The Chat Show
The Chat Show
by Graeme Dutton
A short 'Sunday morning political style' chat show script for use at carol services/in all age worship/high school assemblies. The host of a political chat show talks farming and environment issues with a shepherd and astrologer but ends up hearing an unexpected story about the l
John The People's Commentary - The Light comes to a Blind Man
John The People's Commentary - The Light comes to a Blind Man
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
The Light comes to a Blind Man The story of how the light of the world comes to heal a blind man is beautifully written. Although it is self-contained in chapter 9, its part in the development of the gospel is significant…
John THE PEOPLE’S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Light in the Darkness
John THE PEOPLE’S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Light in the Darkness
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
Light in the Darkness Greek philosophy and many eastern religions had an essential ‘dualism’, a separation between the material world and the spiritual realm. God exists in brilliant light in the world above, while we live in the darkness of created matter…
glimpses of glory - Second Sunday of Christmas - Year C