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Imagining the Lectionary: Hope does not disappoint us (Lent 3A)
Imagining the Lectionary: Hope does not disappoint us (Lent 3A)
by David Perry
Imagining the Lectionary: Hope does not disappoint us (Lent 3A) Reflection accompanying image “Hope does not disappoint us” The catkins on this willow open out before ever a new leaf begins to unfurl from its bud. Like so many other plants at this time of year, for this tree the
We bring a sacrifice of praise
We bring a sacrifice of praise
by Gareth Hill Publishing/Song Solutions CopyCare
Hymn – We bring a sacrifice of praise We bring a sacrifice of praise, Through Jesus Christ your Son. Fruit of our lips we bring to you Father, who makes us one. We long to give you pleasure, Lord, Help us to worship you... (c) Gareth Hill Publishing/Song Solutions CopyCare
Prayer: Perceptive God
Prayer: Perceptive God
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Perceptive God Perceptive God, you know our thoughts and our behaviour. You know when we are sincere and when we are deceiving ourselves. We try to do what is right. We try to live blameless lives. We believe and have confidence in you. We worship and praise you. So we tr
Hymn: A time is coming
Hymn: A time is coming
by Michael Docker
A time is coming - almost here When things long hid will be made clear And worship won't be here or there But by God's Spirit we'll declare The living Word is true, A time is coming and our aim Will be to glory in Christ's shame; And we will worship in his name; Filled with God's
Reflection: The Fear of the Lord
Reflection: The Fear of the Lord
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection: The Fear of the Lord ‘The beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord?’ Doesn’t sound to me like the foundation for a good relationship. Unless you’re getting ‘wised up’ to the fact that the Boss is in charge and you’d better behave yourself, or else! But that won’t make
Poem/reflection: What happened to wisdom?
Poem/reflection: What happened to wisdom?
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem/reflection: What happened to wisdom? Whatever happened to the idea of the wisdom of age? Why is it that when I shop, or sit on a train, or walk through the town, I am treated as invisible by anyone under the age of thirty? Even in church I can be considered as irrelevant, si
Drama - The Paxo Christmas Special
Drama - The Paxo Christmas Special
by Kit Walkham
A debate on "Is Christmas in Britain's Interests" led by a male presenter with the manner of a well known TV host. Written with other 3 parts played by women, but could be adapted. Raises misconceptions of the nature of Christmas. The Paxo Christmas Special, by Kit Walkham This w
Imagining the Lectionary- Pentecost Mashup
Imagining the Lectionary- Pentecost Mashup
by David Perry
Imagining the Lectionary: Pentecost Mashup Reflection accompanying images: “Can these dry bones live”, “Creator spirit”, “Spirit 1” and “Spirit 2” Can these dry bones live This ancient question, arising out of the harrowing history of God's people in Exile and voiced by God thr
Imagining the Lectionary: God the Upholder (Proper 12A/Ordinary 17A)