Proper 16 Year B
Taken from Lectionary Reflections - Year B
Proper 16
Joshua 24. 1-2a,14-18
Ephesians 6. 10-20
John 6: 56-69
Peter’s tale:
That’s about the only time I ever remember being sure that I’d got it right. Oh, I don’t mean that I had doubts about what came out of my mouth when I was preaching to people after the Lord had risen. But those words never really felt like mine. I remember Jesus saying that the Spirit would come and give us the words, and that has certainly been my experience. When I stand up to witness to what I have seen and heard, I know I am doing it through a power that isn’t my own. That doesn’t mean that I always get it right, or even that I always make myself clear, but I do get the sense that the responsibility lies elsewhere. I have to do my best, and then leave the consequences up to the Lord...
Taken from Lectionary Reflections – Year B by Jane Williams