Proper 11 Year C
Taken from Lectionary Reflection Year C
Proper 11
Genesis 18.1–10a
Colossians 1.15–28
Luke 10.38–42
From the beginning, human beings have been image-makers, instinctively, compulsively making sense of their world through imagining it. In lives governed by the harshest necessity just to survive, primitive people still painted on the walls of caves or made images out of clay and stone and wood. Some of these images certainly had some kind of ‘function’ in propitiating or in trying to bind reality by picturing it the way they wanted it to be. But there is an undeniable element of gratuity in these images. It is only because we are by nature image-makers that we can imagine that images are vital and powerful tools for making sense of the world. Animals seem to survive quite well without them...