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The Third Sunday of Lent

Exodus 20.1-17
1 Corinthians 1.18-25
John 2.13-22

Are Exodus and 1 Corinthians in direct conflict with each other? Do they give wholly irreconcilable pictures of the nature of God and our response to it? The God of the Ten Commandments is, surely, a God who loves order and rules and rational systems. In order to please this God, we have just to follow his rules. The God of 1 Corinthians, on the other hand, is anarchic and incomprehensible, and the only way of pleasing him is to abandon your own rational concepts of hierarchy and order and preach ‘Christ crucified’ as the defining picture of God.

At this point in Lent, some of us would like to take the 1 Corinthians reading of the nature of God completely out of its context and allow ourselves to give up on rules and discipline...

Taken from Lectionary Reflections – Year B by Jane Williams

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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