How to Recycle Your Killer Instinct
Taken from 1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone
How to Recycle Your Killer Instinct
1 Samuel 17: 1- 54
It was the Oscars last weekend (I went to a great jazz concert two blocks away, though I was nearly late because of the road closures in Hollywood), and against the odds, The Hurt Locker beat Avatar (which grossed fifty times as much). How did David beat Goliath? the press asked. Last night, Merrimack College played Boston University at hockey (I went to a jazz concert three thousand miles away), and Merrimack’s coach said it was like David playing Goliath (David took an early lead, but eventually lost). Another reporter comments that nearly all sports movies adopt the David-and-Goliath trajectory, but it then carries over into politics, such as those of an upcoming British election; while in Florida, a senatorial candidate yesterday agreed that his campaign could make people think of David against Goliath, and he reminded them that David won. In the U.K., the most popular technology story of this week was the “David and Goliath battle between Microsoft and i4i” (I’m not really clear what that means, but I suspect that David and Goliath come in the wrong order for the metaphor to work). Traveling around Silicon Valley last week, another reporter tells us that he heard the David versus Goliath story over and over again...