How to build a Church
Taken from Exodus and Leviticus
How to Build a Church 1
EXODUS 25: 1- 26: 30
At our church we have just begun inviting ourselves to make offerings for work that needs to be done to the buildings. We have a list of priorities, like the replacement of some wooden beams that have rotted in the rains (it is California) and the building of proper handicap access (that was my personal priority because I had to lift my wife’s wheelchair up a step or two in order to get into church each Sunday). The vestry (the church committee) agreed on the list of priorities and then wrote the membership about them. I have no doubt that our little congregation will give generously. At least as important is the way people give of their skills. One person is good at fixing electrical things, and someone else is a skilled woodworker; he carved the cross in the church. One woman is a great cook; I still salivate at the thought of her red velvet cake. On the Feast of St. Barnabas (our patron saint) the other week, someone e-mailed us with a reminder about the day and some comments on what Barnabas has to teach us. Someone else leads the singing when the organist is on vacation, and there are even people who preach sermons. . . .