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Lent for Everyone
Mark Year B

...Imagine you are standing there in the dark, at the foot of the cross. The sun’s light has failed, and through your tears all you can see is this horrible pole stretching up, with Jesus hanging there, his whole body so tortured that you can’t even imagine the level of pain he must be in. You are cold, and afraid, and you hardly know what to do except stay there.

Gradually, slowly, as your eyes get used to the darkness, you find you can see a bit more clearly the upper parts of the cross. You can make out Jesus’ arms, yanked almost out of their sockets, but stretching out in both directions. And then, above his head – though you can hardly bear to look, to see that face so battered and distorted – you can see the top of the central pole, with its sarcastic notice (‘King of the Jews’ – whoever heard of a crucified king!), nevertheless pointing upwards...

Taken from Lent for Everyone Mark Year B by Tom Wright

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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